The Hairrys

The 2016 HAIRRYs: Local Newsmen With The Best Hair

Ooohhh, Daddy! These news teams bring in some new steam for the 2016 HAIRRY-Awards for Local Newsmen with the Best Hair!

Local news never looked so good. These men have been utilizing the best of shampoos, conditioners, and hair products to make sure they are camera-ready at all times!

The 2015 winners brought their A-game, but these 2016 winners took it to an entirely new level of hair care. We got your e-mails, Tweets, and Facebook messages, letting us know that sure, responsible journalism is important, but this…this is everything!

A HAIRRY-Award winner doesn’t have to worry about anything. They are validated when they see their name in that top spot to the day they die…or go bald. *gasp*

Emmys are nice. They really are. We’re not trashing the Emmys – they do fine work.

But the HAIRRYs? They showcase the true talent that lives within the United States of America!

What are The HAIRRYs?

The HAIRRYs celebrate fabulous hair and the people who have it. There are no nominations, no voting, and no turning back. As hair experts, we scour multiple images and video from all of our potential winners. Then, we consult with other stylists and creatives in the field to narrow it down to one HAIRRY Winner and up to two HAIRRY Runner-Ups.

Our Criteria For Great Hair

When choosing our recipients, we look for the following characteristics:

  • thick
  • full volume
  • well-styled
  • limited/no receding hairline

We did not take into consideration; hair color or attractiveness of the man. However, there seems to be a correlation between great hair and overall “hotness.”

How We Chose The HAIRRY Recipients

First, we listed all of the local TV stations in the state.

Then, we pulled the headshots of all the on-air talent from each station. (It all starts with a good headshot).

Next, we narrowed it down to those who exhibited the four factors mentioned above. We looked at social media profiles (and reels, when available) to get a more accurate assessment of the hair.

Finally, through much deliberation, comparison, and pitchers of margaritas, we picked our winner (aka: “Best Hair”) and our Runner-Up(s).

We repeated that process for each state.

This process took us about 200 hours of combined labor. We’ve had to hire more experts and writers than ever to ensure the quality of this prestigious award.

Some Fun Statistics

  • NBC had 33 winners.
  • ABC had 26 winners.
  • CBS had 14 winners.
  • Fox had 13 winners.
  • The remaining winners came from other networks and independent stations.
  • California and New York had the highest number of men with great hair.
  • Brown and black hair outperformed all other hair colors by a landslide.
  • When asked about their secret to great hair, HAIRRY-Award winners most responded with “genes.”
  • Most men surveyed preferred to use their fingers rather than a brush or comb to style their hair.
  • Two journalists asked if they could pay us to be on the list. (They are not on the list.)
  • Local news websites are poorly designed and not well updated.

[It takes months for us to compile this data. During this time, some winners may switch stations and/or cities. If a journalist is in the wrong state, please let us know so we can make a correction. We appreciate your help. :)]

Congratulations to everyone who is taking home a 2016 HAIRRY-Award. A special thanks to those journalists who e-mailed us comments on their win.



When you think of amazing, life-changing, awe-inspiring hair, you don’t think of Alabama. That’s what we thought, anyway. However, after scouring the terribly made news sites, we found a treasure trove of award-winning hair. Choosing the winners was no easy task.

In Birmingham, they love the governor, and at Fox10, they love men with great hair. Fox10 had the most men with great hair out of all stations in Alabama.

Best Hair – Mark Bullock

alabama-hairryswinner-markbullockWe can tell Mark Bullock puts a lot of time and effort into anchoring at WSFA 12 News because he doesn’t want to mess around with his hair. However, his style is far from unkempt, and we’re really impressed with his low maintenance but high-class cut! So impressed, actually, that we gave him first prize for Alabama!

We reckon Mark wanted a haircut that he didn’t have to wrangle with because he’s a busy guy. He’s traveled around the world field reporting, as far as South Korea and even Australia! Who wants a hairdo you need to style with goop when you’re taking overnight plane trips?

A musician at heart, Mark sings in an adult choir in his spare time, showing that not only is he a versatile talent, but so is his hair – a great ‘do for all occasions.


Runner Up – Rudy Harper

alabma-hairrysrunnerup-rudyharperWe’re suckers for classic looks and classic style, and runner-up Rudy Harper finds a way to combine both into a stunning screen presence that is virtually second-to-none (except Mark Bullock, of course). An experienced news reporter and a tireless volunteer for a Big Brother and Big Sister organization, we’re guessing the only thing better than Rudy’s timeless style is his character. Way to go, Rudy!




 Honorable Mention – Jon Paepcke

alabama-hairrysrunnerup-jonpThough some see Honorable Mentions as worthless, to us, they’re worth their weight in the gold we’d build the HAIRRYS from if we had the cash. In the case of Jon Paepcke, this honorable mention is well-deserved, as his spectacular brown hairstyle brings substance and style to the WVTM News Team nearly every day.





Best Hair – MJ Thim

alaska-hairryswinner-mjthimWhat’s one thing we can confidently say about people named MJ? They’re always the best. You’ve got Michael Jordan as the king of basketball, Michael Jackson as the king of pop, and in the world of newsman’s hair, MJ Thim of KTUU Alaska has earned the honor of The Frontier State’s finest follicles. Not only does Mr. Thim bring with him decades of journalism experience, but his undercut is truly second-to-none in the news business and makes him the most logical choice for this most prestigious honor.

Though he may already decorate his mantle with awards from his highly touted Morning Edition broadcasts, this HAIRRY will no doubt be the most prized possession in his collection. Keep it combed, MJ!

MJ acknowledges his genes for his great hair and would like to thank his uncle for teaching him the difference between moose and mousse.


Runner Up – Peter Zampa

alaska-hairrysrunnerup-peterzampaWe’d be remiss if we wrapped up the best hair in Alaska without giving an honorable mention to our…honorable mention Peter Zampa of KTUU Anchorage. Always the astute journalist, sharing call letters with winner MJ Thim must really be paying off as Peter has taken his hair game to a whole new level.

Though he does most of his reporting from the Washington DC bureau, Peter always lights up the screen when his locks hit the airwaves and is very well deserving of this honorable HAIRRY mention. Congratulations, Peter – keep it styled in the Nation’s Capital!




Best Hair – Nick Ciletti

arizona-hairryswinner-nickcilettiIs it Nick Ciletti’s incredible cheekbones, or his impeccable hairline, that makes him look like he should be on the cover of a men’s magazine? We think it’s the latter, so we had to award him the first place HAIRRY for Arizona.

Nick is an anchor and reporter with the ABC15 News team and is glad to be back in Arizona because he loves the desert. A word of follicle caution, Nick: Don’t stay out in the sun too long; we’d hate to think of that glossy finish of yours drying out.

Speaking of a glossy finish, we love how his fringe can be swept back professionally or pushed upwards for a bit more fun – the best of all worlds!. We have a feeling that a guy like Nick–who calls himself an 80s music aficionado–loves to work hard AND play hard, which his hair is perfectly suited for.

Nick is, of course, not all about fun and games. He is involved with The American Cancer Society and is a pediatric cancer survivor himself. We’re glad to see him living out his dreams and, of course, showing off that great thick, shining crown of his!


Runner Up – Mark Taylor

Mark-Taylor-Best-Hair-ColoradoOh, to glide a hand through Mark Taylor’s super smooth fringe…

Sorry. Back to the write-up.

Mark used to be an anchor with CBS Denver, but now he is with CBS in Arizona! His angelic side part takes home a Runner Up HAIRRY for Arizona! With a sharp side part and hair that smooth and soft, Mark is probably the guy everybody’s mother falls in love with. As though he walked straight off set from the movie “Pleasantville,” Mark’s haircut couldn’t be any more boy next door if he tried. And we love it. Mark is no stranger to the HAIRRYs. He’s been a winner in the past.

The adorable factor doesn’t stop there. Mark describes himself as a pop culture fan and pug dad, among other equally nerdy things. You can witness Mark fan-girling over Disney and sharing dorky throwback photos of himself from high school on Twitter. Could he–or his hair–be any sweeter? We think not!


2nd Runner Up – Derek Staahl

arizona-hairrysrunnerup-derek-staahlArizona is known for its hot, hot weather, and KPHO Anchor Derek Staahl is doing nothing to help cool it down. His impeccably styled light-brown locks get us all worked up – and we’re not ashamed to admit it! Congrats on being named runner-up, Derek; we have a feeling you’ll be burning up the charts to #1 next year





Honorable Mention – Marc Liverman

arizona-hairrysrunnerup-marclivermanCanadians are known for many things–their friendly demeanor, delicious Maple syrup–but co-runner up Marc Liverman is changing that narrative – this Canadian is known for his incredible hair. If we had it our way, all of our Northern neighbors would adopt Marc’s stunning style, and we’d make crossing the border to party in the C.A.N. much more of a priority.




4 Fabulous Shampoos Without Sulfate


Best Hair – Matt Peterson

arkansas-hairryswinner-mattpetersonNothing messes with perfect hair like unpredictable weather, which is maybe why our choice for winner of the best hair HAIRRY in Arkansas, Matt Peterson, picked the perfect profession: weekend meteorologist. Not only does he know when and when not to use that extra-hold mousse because of an upcoming shift in the winds, he happily relays that information to other Natural State citizens so they too can look their bangin’ best as they hit the clubs on the weekends. Selfless and stunning – that’s our kind of guy!

If you like them tall, dark, and handsome–which we do, of course–make sure to tune into Matt Peterson’s incomparable classic hairstyle during the weekends on Fox 16. Who knows – you may even pick up a style tip or two!


Runner Up – Mitch McCoy

arkansas-hairrysrunnerup-mitchmccoyKARK, we hear the HAIRRYs roar!

KARK, HAIRRY runner-up Mitch McCoy’s home station goes by the motto “Arkansas Matters,” which we’re assuming refers to all of the great newsman hair across The Land of Opportunity. In fact, we had such a hard time deciding between our winner’s luscious brown locks and Mitch’s dirty-blonde ‘do; you would have thought we were talking about one of the world’s major media markets. Well, now the secret’s out: Watching Arkansas’ award-winning news broadcasts may just have some unexpected fringe benefits: hair inspiration!

Though some cynics may try and tell you that Arkansas is part of the now-famous Combover States (states that aren’t necessarily as hair aware as those on the coasts), Mitch’s spectacular hair and boyish charms give you more than enough evidence to prove the contrary. And if all else fails, snap your fingers and shove a copy of the HAIRRYS in their face. BYE FELICA!



Best Hair – Whit Johnson

california-hairryswinner-whitejohnsonWhit Johnson is an Emmy award-winning journalist and co-anchor of the NBC4’s weekday morning newscast “Today in LA.” He’s also quite accomplished in the world of hair texture, which is why we’ve awarded him the first place HAIRRY in the incredibly competitive State of California.

Sculpted by what we can only imagine as God’s hands, Whit’s hair demands the limelight. We’re reminded of California’s salty beach winds when gazing upon Whit’s ‘do, which seems so thick and luscious,  has us guessing that it has to be the sea salt’s kiss that gives it such texture.

Whit has covered Southern California’s biggest stories, including the 2015 San Bernardino terrorist attack and the 2013 LAX shooting rampage. Sometimes, he’s had to sit at the anchor desk for hours at a time, dedicated to delivering live-breaking news. Yet he –and his hair–never show any signs of distress. A true marvel!

Along with watching the news, if you want to see what’s up with Whit’s hair on a more regular basis, catch him on Twitter.


Runner Up – Mark Mester

california-hairrysrunnerup-markmesterSleepy brown eyes, dreamy smile, strong shoulders….what were we talking about again? Oh yes! Mr. Mester’s awesome hair. Just look at his picture, like we have been for the last couple of hours, and that will tell you everything you need to know.




2nd Runner Up – Bob DeCastro

california-hairrysrunnerup-bobdecastroWe’ll let you in on a little secret: we LOVE dark hair. Brown is great, blonde is beautiful, but dark hair causes a swoon that we can’t really explain. Virtually no one does dark better than KTTV’s Bob DeCastro. Slightly long and effortlessly styled, Bob’s accomplished the impossible: made us re-think our own hairstyle.








We would’ve love to choose somebody from NBC 9 News, but all of their incredibly high-quality profile pictures didn’t show their hair and face! I mean, we could have spent the time to Google image search each person and find full-length photos on their social media. But, girl, you know we did not have time to make up for their inability to show face on their website. This is TV, not radio. We need to see their faces. Rant over.

Best Hair – Adam Hammond


Call him Campbell because he’s mmm-mmm good! After your eyes regain vision from those blinding white teeth, and you pick yourself off the floor after fainting from his chiseled jawline, you then notice his perfect eyes and eyebrows! Ugh! We’re almost starting to dislike Adam….almost.

Gandhi’s inspiration to dedicate his life to world peace came from Adam’s hair.

The reason birds migrate? Hammond’s hair. They have to tell the world about what exists on top of Adam’s perfectly shaped head.

Rainbows, sunsets, and sitting with loved ones next to a fireplace during the Holiday ALL come in second to Adam’s hair.

Thank you, Adam. Thank you.


Runner Up – Keagan Harsha

colorado-hairrysrunnerup-keagan-harshaWith a last name like Harsha, which sounds so much like “hair” to the follicle-obsessed like us, it would only make sense that Keagan’s impressive and understated hairstyle makes our list of best newscaster hair. The slightly graying sides only add to the magic, making Keagan the total Colorado package. Keep it up, Harsha!







Best Hair -Roger Susanin

conn-hairryswinner-rogersusaninRoger Susanin, Channel 3 Eyewitness News Reporter, has hair so silky that he should replace all of the overpriced models in shampoo and conditioner advertisements. That same silky, soft, and voluminous hair has landed him the first place HAIRRY for the great State of Connecticut!

We’re guessing that Roger is no newcomer to hair-related awards, hopefully having had his satin quiff showered with accolades before. He, of course, has also won awards for his breaking news coverage and investigative work – but we’re sure his hair plays a large part in all of his successes.

He always engages with his fans and shares silly little updates, and Roger comes off as casual and fun on his Twitter. Despite his almost regal-looking hair, he’s a very approachable guy! Congrats Roger!


Runner Up – Scott McDonnell

conn-hairrysrunnerup-scottmcdonnellScotty, Scotty, Scotty – what are you trying to do to us? Look at that jawline, look at those Clint Eastwood-Esque eyes, LOOK AT THAT HAIR! If he weren’t an accomplished co-anchor at WTNH, we’d bet Scott McDonnell could no doubt make it as a hair model – or any other kind of model for that matter. Maybe it’s a Connecticut thing?




Best Hair – Ryan Elijah

florida-hairryswinner-ryanelijahKeeping it tight, trimmed, and slick, Ryan Elijah is an anchor with Fox 35 and is also the clear HAIRRY winner for the Sunshine State of Florida!

Ryan’s hair exudes authority. We’re surprised he doesn’t have a military background, but not surprised that he has an extensive history in sports. Ryan’s work as a Sports Director has had him cover several Super Bowls, National Championships with the Gators and Seminoles, and countless races at Daytona – his masculine hair no-doubt winning MVP every time.

Can you guess what Ryan gets up to in his spare time? When he’s not spending time with his family, he’s coaching sports – including youth basketball and little league! We’re sensing a theme here.

Hair can tell you a lot about a man, and in Ryan’s case, his firm, neat cut tells you everything you need to know about this sporty and athletic stand-out.


Runner Up – Andrew Perez

florida-hairrysrunnerup-andrewperezMiami is a city synonymous with style, and luckily for them, native son Andrew Perez is bringing them the daily news. If we had hair like Andrew’s that just seems like it never has an imperfect moment, we’d spend all of our time looking in the mirror and shaking our head yes. Luckily for us and the news-watching public, Andrew has much higher ambitions and lives them out at ABC 10.





2nd Runner Up – Jeff Lennox

florida-hairrysrunnerup-jefflennonHurricane Katrina, Virginia Tech, Tiger Woods’ SUV incident, the trial of Casey Anthony – co-runner up Jeff Lennox’s impressive career has brought the public some of the biggest stories of the last two decades. Somehow, he’s been able to balance such a career with a beauty regimen that results in one of the best manes of hair in broadcast journalism. Keep at it, Jeff. On all fronts.






Best Hair – Buck Lanford

best-hair-in-newsStart your morning right by staring whimsically at HAIRRY winner Buck Lanford’s swept-back ‘do on FOX5’s Good Day Atlanta, and chances are you won’t even need a morning coffee. His hair is all the pep you need.

Don’t let his superbly styled hair fool you. Buck isn’t afraid to get messy – having once served as the “runner cam” reporter for the Peachtree Road Race. That means he ran with 50,000 people, conducting interviews for 10KM! We haven’t located the footage yet, but we’re positive his well-combed hair kept its dignity throughout.

Buck’s an Atlanta native and loves to play golf (apparently not so well) and surf (apparently also not so well). But that’s okay – one thing Buck definitely does do well is style his hair, keeping it full of volume whilst neatly tucking it back. Got the winter blues? We suggest you wake up with Buck and his beautiful ‘do by tuning in to Good Day Atlanta!


Runner Up – Bobby Kaple

newsmen-hairWe have it on good authority that when Hoagy Carmichael and Stuart Gorrell wrote the famous song “Georgia On My Mind,” they weren’t talking about the State of Georgia, but rather, the hair of HAIRRY runner-up Bobby Kaple. Sporting a perfect style that brings all of the flavors to the term ‘salt and pepper,’ Kaple’s capable ‘makes him a well-deserving runner-up.



2nd Runner Up – Craig Lucie

craig-lucieMaybe he’s born with it; maybe it’s the result of countless hours in front of the mirror. Either way, we’ve found ourselves in constant awe of Craig Lucie. A daily anchor for WSB-TV, watching Craig is like watching a daily hair lesson for the people of the ATL on how to mix substance and style.



How To Use Sea Salt Spray (in less than 5 minutes!)


Best Hair – Jordan Segundo

best-hair-in-hawaiiThose eyes, those lips, that smile, that hair! Whew! Is it getting hot in here? Or is it just our pick for best hair in Hawaii, Jordan Segundo? Not only does this man have the opportunity to report the weather in Hawaii, which pretty much means delivering great news every day, but he also can teach everyone on the Big Island and beyond a thing or two about keeping it classically styled.

Perhaps those follicles look familiar to you? That’s with good reason. Jordan is not only a passionate volunteer and servant to his community; he was also a finalist on American Idol in 2003. His singing career, like his hair, may have been cut short, but in the case of what he wears on his head, even the dreaded Simon would have to be impressed.


Segundo may translate to “born second” in Spanish, but in the world of the HAIRRYS, Jordan’s outstanding ‘do, and impressive style comes in second to no man. Keep doing what you’re doing, Jordan, and we’ll expect to receive our invitation to come to visit you in Hawaii soon.


Runner Up – Colin Harmon

second-best-hair-in-hawaiiLife’s a competition in the world of sports, and if we were putting together an All-Star Team of the best newsman hair, Hawaii’s runner-up, Collin Harmon, would definitely make the roster. Styled brown hair, a million-dollar smile – Collin’s got something going on, and we like it, and so does Hawaii’s news-viewing public as he’s one of the state’s most popular sports anchors.

He may have SO-CAL in his blood, but he now calls the Aloha State home, and good thing too because there are enough good-looking guys with great hair in the Golden State. Thanks for spreading the love, Collin, and keep keeping it combed. You’ve got a style going on that we all aspire to emulate.




Best Hair – Will Hall

best-hair-on-airWill we? Yes, We Will!

The winner of the best newsman hair in Idaho is none other than KTVB’s sports anchor Will Hall. Cut close on the sides and gently styled to the perfect point on top, Will’s got a hold on hold and clearly knows how to use pomade to the fullest extent of its capabilities. Pair those stylized follicles with his stunning steel blue eyes and snappy wardrobe, and you won’t even need to turn on the oven to cook your potato.

As a graduate from Iowa State University, Will may identify as a Cyclone, but his hair always looks like a smooth sunny day. Congratulations to you, Will, on this well-deserved HAIRRY award.


Runner Up – Chris Nestman

chris-nestmanWhile the weather in Idaho may change minute by minute, one thing is always steady and well-styled: runner-up Chris Nestman’s spectacular hair.

But we’re not shallow and only interested in someone’s looks. We dig all of Chris’s hobbies, including swimming, skiing, hiking, meteorology, astronomy, tasting new foods, and playing video games. His hobbies make him sound like the perfect mix of sportsman and nerdsman, which is a combination that we can’t help but love.

When Chris isn’t reporting the crazy Idaho weather on Local News 8, he could very well be teaching a class for men on how to keep it both professional and pretty without losing your edge. And if he needs a TA – count us in!



Best Hair – Jake Hamilton

jake-hamiltonJake Hamilton, an Emmy-award-winning reporter, Good Day Chicago, and we theorize, time-traveling Norse god, is the clear HAIRRY winner for Illinois. (And Trump better not tweet this Hamilton asking for an apology for his amazing hair!)

Jake has that dreamy Viking look going on: striking light blue eyes and incredibly fair blonde hair – we’re surprised he wasn’t imported directly from Iceland. Unlike a real Viking, Jake’s hair is immaculate, lengthy, and slicked back with product, keeping his fringe bouncy and full up top. He also has swapped chunky Viking armor for suits so well-tailored, it looks like he may have been born in one. With a look this sharp, we’re wondering how long Jake spends getting ready every morning? It’s okay – you don’t have to spill your secrets to us.

Don’t let his perfection fool you. Jake’s a bit of a goof. His claim to fame (according to his Twitter bio) is a brief hug he once shared with Tom Hanks. For more Jake selfies and commentary, why not check out his Twitter for yourself?


Runner Up – Sean Lewis

best-hair-on-tvIs it any coincidence that the Chicago Cubs finally ended their World Series drought in the same year that WGN’s Sean Lewis started anchoring the WGN Sunday Morning News? We think not. Chicago baseball fans: meet your new savior – and his incredibly well-crafted hairstyle.







2nd Runner Up – Alex Maragos

maragos_alexThink you have a hard job? Imagine how difficult it was to name a man like Alex Maragos, with near-perfect hair, as a 2nd runner-up for a HAIRRY in the State of Illinois. Is there no justice in this world for a good-looking man with beautiful hair? We guess not.





Best Hair – Charlie De Mar

the-hairry-awardsWe like a man who takes full control, which might be one reason we chose Fox 59’s Charlie De Mar as our HAIRRY winner in the great State of Indiana. Not only is he one of the Hoosier State’s most entertaining newsmen, but he’s also one of the most hands-on: writing, shooting, and editing his own on-air stories. He’s also hands-on when it comes to his hair, which is the perfect shade of brown and always styled like he’s ready for a night on the town.

Whether he’s busting prescription-happy doctors or exposing scandalous superintendents, Charming Charlie is never afraid to take the bad guys head-on with his signature style. Good on ya, Chuck! Congrats on the win.


Runner Up – Zach Groth


There once was a man named Zach Groth,
Whose hair was a magnificent growth.
From the Windy Cindy,
His locks are so pretty.
So handsome? So stunning? So both!

He tells us which team wins or loses,
And while other anchors’ hair are big snoozes,
Zach’s our #2
For Indiana’s best ‘do
We’d love to know what product he uses!





Best Hair – Riley O’Connor

best-hair-for-menWhen you’re a meteorologist at KCCI, you need a hairdo that looks good on the newsroom floor, as well as out in a storm. HAIRRY winner Riley O’Connor’s hair looks gentlemanly under the studio lights and cute and flirty in the stormy winds – a true double-threat mastery of his follicles. 

An Indiana native, Riley loves working in almost-neighboring Iowa and being close to his wife (sorry everybody), who is anticipating the birth of his soon-to-be-born child! With a dad this sharp, we’re sure Riley’s soon-t0o-come kid is going to have lots of hair inspiration as they grow up.

Whether he’s giving KCCI viewers the forecast in a well-tailored suit or chasing storms in activewear, Riley’s hair fits every situation. When styled and slick, he looks a million bucks, and when natural and tossed about in the elements, he still looks perfect.

Want more Riley? Why not lurk Riley’s Twitter for cute hair pics (in both its suave and casual states), as well as weather news tips?


Runner Up – Michael DaSilva

best-hair-on-menFrom rubbing shoulders with then-Senator Obama to appearing as an extra in the movie Joy to seeing Michael Jackson in his final two concerts, it would appear that HAIRRY runner-up Michael DaSilva has done plenty of cool things in his life – but we have no doubt that being named as a runner-up might take the top spot. Congrats, Michael! We’ll be waiting for our invitation to your next awesome party.







Best Hair – Len Jennings

handsome-news-anchorsNot only is Len Jennings an anchor with the KMBC 9 News team, but he’s also the heartthrob jock we all wanted to ask to prom. With his sporty yet charming hairdo, Len bags the first prize HAIRRY for Kansas!

We’re suckers for natural blondes, and although we usually prefer length to showcase its golden hues, Len’s super short and sharp cut still catches the sunlight in all the right ways.  It may come as no surprise with a haircut like his that Len is a sporty guy at heart. He skis, plays hockey and tennis, and has completed two marathons! Keeping his hair short, Len can ensure he looks impeccable no matter how fast he’s running or how much he sweats!

Have story ideas or compliments and accolades to shower upon Len? Reach out to him on Twitter.


Runner Up – Chris Stanford

the-hairrysGod, it just makes perfect sense that Chris Stanford reports the news for a station that features KAKE’s call letters because his truly stunning dark brown ‘do is as sweet as CAKE. Though he’s originally from the Midwest, Chris is now lighting up TV screens across the Sunflower State with his spine-tingling hair and talent for broadcast journalism. Congrats, Chris, on being named Runner Up!






Best Hair – Chris Goodman

chris-goodmanOh, brown hair of Kentucky, keep on shining!

While most of us are trying to end the night without driving through an all-night fast-food restaurant at 2:45 am, Kentucky’s winner for best hair, Chris Goodman, is usually just starting his day. As part of Lex18’s morning crew that begins broadcasting at the ungodly hour of 4:30 am every day, Chris somehow finds a way to keep his hair in check and looking good, which helps make the rest of our morning routines that much better. Thanks, Chris!

In all seriousness, we have much respect for your follicle fanaticism and your ability to manage your stupidly early schedule while never letting your hair play second fiddle. Enjoy the HAIRRY!


Runner Up – Eric King

eric-kingSo, Eric King has been nominated for two Emmy awards for his work as an anchor. So, Eric King is an Emmy-winning reporter. What does that prove? Anyone who’s anyone knows that the only thing that matters in the world of the modern newsman is the quality and look of the hair, and in that contest, Eric is, without question, well, er…. King!

He wears it well, and he wears it short, lighting up the anchor desk with his boyish charms and tightly cropped hair while delivering the most important stories of the day – no easy feat! We salute this Kentucky native and WLKY veteran for always keeping hair in the forefront of his mind and our hearts. Congrats!



Best Hair – Travers Mackel

travers-mackelDid you know that Louisiana is nicknamed The Pelican State? Neither did we. One thing we do know about this Pelican paradise is that the quality of hair of its most popular male newscasters is just about the highest in the nation (along with its Gumbo consumption), which truly made it a battleground state for this HAIRRY award. It was a close call, but this year’s winner, reporter Travers Mackel from WDSU, is as well-deserving and handsome as they come.

While we could sit here and tell you about his 10 Emmy nominations, his Reporter of the Year award, or his role in covering some of the decade’s biggest stories, those things are, in a word: BORING. Instead, what catches our eye are his perfectly styled brown locks that light up our television screen every time he goes on air. Ladies, you can keep your beads, and guys can reposition their eyes; this Edward R. Murrow Award-winning journalist (okay, we had to throw one more award in there) is the only Mardi Gras attraction we need. Party on, Travers!


Runner Up – Scott Walker

walker best hairSure, WDSU anchor Scott Walker may share his name with the less-than-hairrific governor of a certain Midwestern Cheese State, but luckily, the similarities end there. While the Governor’s do is a boring black with no bounce or volume, our Scott Walker’s is devastatingly dark, well-styled, and simply to die for. We love it more than we love a good Wisconsin Cheddar – and that’s really saying something!

Like his colleague and HAIRRY winner Travers Mackel (who also tops Walker in the awesome name department), Scott’s list of won awards is a lot longer than his locks. It includes such heavyweights as Best New Anchor, an Emmy Award, and the Edward R. Murrow. And though he doesn’t walk away with the HAIRRY award for best male newscaster hair in Louisiana, a close second is pretty damn impressive. Congrats Scott! You’ve got our vote in November should you decide to run.


What is Dry Shampoo?


Best Hair – Jon Chrisos

best-hair-in-local-news-for-menMaine’s HAIRRY winner for best newscaster hair Jon Chrisos has such a beautiful do that we don’t even need to choose a runner-up. In fact, Jon’s hair is so full and voluminous that there just might not really be any real practical room for a number two. What there is room for, however, is more Jon Chrisos on the national stage, as his beautifully combed hair has already been spotted reporting on both CNN and Good Morning America, helping to expose his exceptional style to the rest of the nation.

Now, if we were lesser people, we might stoop to making a joke about Jon being from Bangor to close this little writeup. Maybe something like: with hair like that and such a great smile, chances are he’s a great Bangor. But we have no intention of soiling the great family-friendly reputation of the HAIRRYS for a cheap sex joke.



Runner Up – Cory Froomkin


Hah! Sorry, we’re still really pleased with that boobs joke! But don’t let that take anything away from our runner-up Cory Froomkin – his hair is extremely well-deserving of a mention here. A graduate of Kent State, Cory went on to earn his certificate in broadcast meteorology (which we didn’t even know was a thing) from Mississippi State University, and he’s been thrilling New England audiences with thunderstorm coverage and his special brand of gorgeously styled hair ever since. A great last name and a great head of hair – Cory’s the total package!




Best Hair – Rick Ritter

best-hair-on-menIt’s hard to imagine HAIRRY winner Rick Ritter cracking a smile with a haircut so serious, but don’t be fooled: Rick loves working in the northeast as part of the WJZ Eyewitness News team. (But seriously, we couldn’t find a picture of Rock smiling). 

Sometimes your hair needs to command respect, and Rick’s suave, dark hairdo certainly does just that. We’re standing to attention just looking at a picture of him! Keeping it short, tidy, and making the most of his dark features using a wet drying product, Rick looks ready to get down to business and report the news.

Fun fact: In college, Rick started all four years for the university’s football team. Although we must admit that we hate to think of such a classy haircut topping off any outfit other than a sharp suit, a man in uniform is something even we can’t resist.

For regular news tips from the inside, you can check out Rick, and his serious ‘do on Twitter.


Runner Up – Omar Jimenez

Tbest-hairhough only in his second year of reporting since graduating from journalism school, WBAL’s Omar Jimenez is making a huge splash in both the news and hair communities. A classic look that keeps it classy and trim, if you can’t catch Omar on the local Maryland news, you might have seen him on Jimmy Fallon’s Battle of the Instant Rappers competition.






Best Hair – Reid Lamberty

best-male-hairThough he’s officially a co-anchor on the set of WCVB’s award-winning NewsCenter 5 weekend evening newscasts, our winner for the best male newscaster HAIRRY in the great Old Colony State needs no assistance in the mirror. We are, of course, talking about the classically styled Reid Lamberty and his truly exceptional locks of love.

Reid doesn’t only bring his twenty years of experience to the newsdesk; he also brings it to his classic anchorman style – making us feel all warm and snuggly even when he has to inform us that the world around us is crumbling. Tall, dark, and handsome he is; swooning, jealous, and smitten are we! Congrats to you, Reid.


Runner Up – Adam Williams

get-good-head-winnersRecipe card for the perfect dirty blonde do:

1 – Experienced anchor from 7NEWS
4 – Daily airtimes (5, 6, 10, and 11)
1 – Recognition from the Associated Press
Exceptional good looks and impressive style (as needed)

Mix well, and you’ve got our runner-up: Adam Williams!





2nd Runner Up – Nick Bannin

nick-banninThere once was a man named Nick Bannin
Who reported all that the satellite’s scannin’
He helps to inform
Of the oncoming storm
And cancel all the fun stuff that we’re plannin’

You can find him on your TV
Reporting on WWLP
His dirty blonde hair
Is always styled with care
Which is why he’s a #2 HAIRRY.



Best Hair – Zach Sepanik

cool-hair-stylesIt’s easy to be distracted from Zach Sepanik’s incredible ‘do, as his piercing sea blue eyes and radiant white teeth are enough to dazzle any News 8 viewer. But despite the other beauty he possesses, it’s Zach’s hair alone that has won him the first prize HAIRRY for Michigan!

Zach’s hair is styled immaculately, so immaculately in fact that we can’t spot a hair out of place! His golden mane is sheared short on the sides and is sculpted upwards, drawing attention to his swoon-worthy widow’s peak at the top of his forehead. This ‘do is a landscape we’re sure you’d all love to traverse.

He’s not all looks, though; Zach put his perfectly shaped noggin to good use for other people’s noggins by bringing attention to safety protocols for football players at risk of concussions with a documentary he produced. He’s also full of surprises, opting to support teams outside of West Michigan, such as the Green Bay Packers and the New York Yankees.

If you’re looking to pick Zach’s brains about his recommended hair products or follow for extra sports commentary, check out his Twitter here.


Runner Up – Stephen Clark

classic-hair-styles-for-menSure, some may call it a shame that Stephen Clark didn’t take home the HAIRRY for best news anchor hair in Michigan, but not to worry. 30 years of experience for the veteran newsman is more than enough to fall back on. Combine that with hair like a 20-something, and we’re sure he’s got another 30 years of fantastic follicles in him.






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Best Hair – Bryan Piatt

male-news-anchor-with-best-hairWe’re suckers for a classic gentlemanly hairdo, and Bryan Piatt’s is as classic and as gentlemanly as they come. It’s no wonder that Bryan has bagged the best hair HAIRRY for Minnesota!

As a morning anchor for KARE 11, Bryan says his favorite part of the job is making sure his audience starts the day right by keeping them informed. I’m sure Bryan’s lustrous and thick head of hair ensures that KARE 11’s morning viewers pay close attention – even through one sleepy eye.

Bryan may fit the bill for a tall, dark stranger–or at least his hair does–but he spends a lot of his time gushing about family, gushing about sports, and gushing about touching community stories – such as when a local cop helped a granny cross the road.

Although Bryan spends a lot of time covering competitive team sports, he prefers running solo in his spare time. We get the feeling his hair remains slicked and perfectly styled throughout his half marathon runs, or at least – we refuse to think of him any other way.


Runner Up – Cody Matz

cody-matzThe HAIRRYs have shown us that meteorologist’s hair tends to be all or nothing, and in the case of Cody Matz, it’s certainly all. Though this self-confessed chocolate lover’s ‘do come in second to Bryan Piatt’s impressive locks this year, he certainly has no trouble satisfying our sweet tooth.





Best Hair – Nathan Scott

hairstyles-for-menThere’s something about being passionate about the weather that seems inevitably linked to style and flair, which makes it no surprise that we gave Nathan Scott, weatherman  Meteorologist for 16 WAPT News, the first prize HAIRRY for Mississippi.

Sometimes, the hairline is everything, and Nathan’s hairline is definitely everything to us. His perfect arches form a heart shape so sweet; it reminds us of all the hearts he’s undoubtedly breaking whilst informing his viewers of this week’s forecast. Hair volume isn’t always important, and Nathan shows that when you have the most handsome eyebrows in the state, you should probably keep the hair on top short not to draw too much attention away from the main attraction.

Don’t let his devilish charm fool you. He’s still the boy next door, admitting that his fear of thunderstorms drove him to study meteorology. For some reason, that doesn’t much surprise us, as his hairstyle tells us he’s very in touch with all of his feelings.

READ ALSO  The HAIRRYs: College Football Coaches and QBs


Runner Up – Ryan Houston

short-hair-for-menWe hate it when families fight (unless it’s on reality TV), so we were hesitant to name two members of the same news crew as winner and runner-up. But one look at Ryan Houston’s close-cut hair will show you why we couldn’t ignore it. The other news stations better look out: WAPT 16 seems to have a controlling share of Mississipi’s best news anchor hair, which will undoubtedly equal a controlling share of the ratings.







Best Hair – Landon Burke

young-and-hip-hair-styles-for-menBorn and raised in Columbia, Landon Burke and his curly golden forest of a haircut should be Missouri’s proudest achievement. Landon is KOMU 8’s weekend morning anchor and is undoubtedly the HAIRRY winner for Missouri!

We would love nothing more than to tousle Landon’s hair with our own hands. Thick, lustrous, and perfectly blonde, his hair seems to have a life of its own. We’re in an argument of whether Landon’s hair is styled to perfection or if his hair naturally grows that way. If the latter, he’s definitely channeling some mystic golden-maned beast.

When Landon isn’t bringing you the weekend morning news in Missouri, he’s checking out the trails in Columbia – probably getting back in touch with his hair’s wild roots.


Runner Up – Pat McGonigle

pat-mcgonigleWe would expect a man with five daughters to have it together in the hair department, and luckily for Missouri news viewers, KSDK’s Pat McGonigle does in a big way. Somehow between anchoring weekday mornings and contributing to The Dave Glover radio show, Pat’s found the sweet spot for his light brown ‘do. Keep it up, Pat! You’ve got our attention.






Best Hair – Dustin Klemann

thick-hair-for-menDustin’s the kind of guy that you’d bring home to your parents, and they’d instantaneously fall in love with him – and so did we! Whilst Dustin is unimaginably attractive, his hair seals the deal, making him an obvious first prize winner for Montana.

Like the rest of Dustin’s chiseled face, his hair seems to be cut from steel. Using the perfect amount of product, Dustin’s long on top and short on the sides cut seems to stand to attention, ready to bring the weekend morning news to KTVQ viewers across Big Sky Country.

When he’s not breaking hearts with his dimples and hairdo, you can find him on Twitter, bringing you breaking news cushioned with sports banter. Apparently, you can grab his attention by talking about how bad the Dallas Cowboys are – but don’t tell him we told you.


Runner Up – Will Wadley

hair-styles-for-menAre there funny jokes or puns we could make about Will Wadley? Sure there are. But we respect the man’s delicious brown locks too much to pull that kind of stuff. Instead, we’ll just bow our head in reverence to one of Missoula’s best ‘dos.





Best Hair – John Knicely

styles-of-hair-for-menJohn does his hair oh so Knicely. (sorry, we just had to get punny!) As anchor/reporter on WOWT, John’s snatched up many awards for his journalism, and now he’s bagged a first prize HAIRRY Award for Nebraska!

John’s hair is a bit like him: timeless and classic. We love older men who don’t shy away from showing off their grey with Clooney level suave. Thick and neat, we have a feeling John’s hair has as much life and ambition as his career does, having worked in journalism for decades!

Despite a hairstyle that seems to say all work and no play, John’s a favorite on WOWT for his fun Knicely Done news features. Having reported on sky diving, riding an Olympic bobsled, a daredevil stunt plane ride, and performing on stage at the Omaha Playhouse – we have a feeling that the man behind the haircut knows how to have fun.


Runner Up – David Earl

best-mens-hairLook. We know you can’t judge a book by its cover and that you really can’t judge a news anchor by his hairdo. But if you could (and trust us, we’re not above it), it’s obvious that David Earl might just be the best gosh darn news anchor in Nebraska. It was a tough choice to put him second, but we believe there’s nothing but great things ahead for his head.







Best Hair – Jason Feinberg

best-male-hair-of-all-timeJason Feinberg has won 3 Emmy Awards for his work as a journalist, and we reckon he deserves just as many accolades for his perfectly styled hair. Jason’s got first prize for Nevada!

Reporting in Vegas, Jason’s hair fits in with the glitz and glam of the city’s nightlife. Dark and shining with product,  Jason’s hair is peaked to perfection, drawing attention to his pearly white smile that completes the total package.

Now a morning anchor for FOX5, Jason’s hairstyle pays homage to his Hollywood reporting days with E!News. Only hair that’s rubbed shoulders with Hollywood’s most famous looks this good.

Obviously, Jason likes to have fun, including making jokes at his co-anchor’s expense and always going to glitzy big events. Want more J-Fein in your life? His Twitter is full of pranks, jokes, and check-ins at big parties and gigs.


Runner Up – Tom Hawley

mens-haircutSince Nevada is famous for its Casinos, let us just apologize now for those who had their money on Tom Hawley for the 1st place HAIRRY in the Sagebrush State. Well-deserving dirty blonde locks like these don’t come around every day, and though he didn’t take home 1st place, 2nd is more than admirable in this highly competitive hair market.






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New Hampshire

Best Hair – Joe Joyce

the-hairry-awardsJoe Joyce’s hair is well kept and ready for battle, even if that battle is being Chief Meteorologist at NH1 News. This sporting ‘do has bagged the first prize for New Hampshire!

The weather has been a part of Joe’s life ever since he was little, and we have a feeling that Joe readies his hair in a special style to report on any major storm or environmental event. Keeping a short ‘do is great for a man who’s caught out in the elements, or at least reporting on them from a cozy, warm studio.

Although Joe looks like the rock you cling to in a scary storm, he’s also got a bit of a soft side; playing ukulele and mandolin in his band, Wheelhouse Radio. If you’re looking to feel safe whilst finding out about local New Hampshire forecasts, you can gaze lovingly at Joe whilst perusing his weather reports on Twitter.


Runner Up – Sean McDonald

best-hair-for-men-in-newsA news anchor with piano and guitar skills? Sing us a song, you’re the anchorman! Though Sean has to settle for a second-place HAIRRY this year, we’d happily go home with him after his next gig – to learn his hair secrets, of course!






New Jersey

Best Hair – David Novarro

best-hair-productsWhen you mean business–like David Novarro does–then your hairstyle should mean business too. David’s swept-back business ‘do has won him first prize for New Jersey.

As an anchor on Eyewitness News on ABC7, David brings much-needed attention to some of the toughest issues in New York City and New Jersey. His hair fits the part, classically side-parted and beautifully swept-back stylishly and seriously. The kind of guy that isn’t afraid to report on the hard stuff, David once won a best newscaster award and is undoubtedly deserving of this best hair award, as well.

You can catch David sharing insights on breaking news and trying to find the silver lining on either his Facebook or Twitter.


Runner Up – Brian Taff

best-hair-for-tall-menThough he may currently be a co-anchor at PHL17’s Action News, we’ve got a feeling Brian Taff’s spectacular hair could catapult him all the way to national success. Look out, Stone Phillips, there’s a new tall, dark, and handsome in town!









New Mexico

Best Hair – J.P Murrieta

jp-muriettaJ.P. Murrieta is the sports director at KOB 4, and his impeccable side-parted classic ‘do have won him the first prize HAIRRY in New Mexico!

J.P.’s hair readies him for the role of a perfect suburban dad from a 60s sitcom. We don’t think a hairstyle could look any more wholesome – we’d honestly be surprised if he’s ever said a cuss word!

J.P. says his proudest achievement is as a father to his kids, but we think his flawlessly styled hair should be a close runner-up. When he’s not reporting on the state’s games, he’s apparently learning to play the piano, or as he puts it, “banging on keys to make sound come out.” Good thing he looks like such a peach, as his music skills might not garner him much adoration!

Check out J.P’s Twitter for all the latest sports stats, and watch him on KOB 4 for all your wholesome hair needs.


Runner Up – Chris Gilson

best-shampooThere are two fairly predictable things in New Mexico: the weather and meteorologist Chris Gilson’s exceptional hair. Luckily for us, he effortlessly combines both in his daily television appearances, which will keep us tuning in to KRQE News 13 whenever he’s on. Today’s forecast: Sunny with a chance of a sexy meteorologist!







New York

Best Hair – Gus Rosendale

blonde-hair-style-for-menAre you a sucker for a true blonde? We are, which means that Gus Rosendale could have won first prize for his golden locks alone, but it sure does help that he knows how to style it.

Hold on…we’re ready to project that Gus Rosendale will pick up New York’s 29 electoral votes! Congrats on your HAIRRY, Gus!

Gus’s hair looks so soft, we speculate that it’s actually a golden retriever puppy sleeping on his head. When advertisements try to demonstrate how soft toilet paper or pillows are, instead of using ducklings and puppies, we propose they ask Gus to lend his feathery mane to the cause. There just isn’t anything that looks softer and sleeker than Gus’ hairdo.

Gus is NBC 4 New York’s weekday anchor, and when he’s not putting his Journalism and Political Science degree to good use, you can find him sharing adorable selfies with his coworkers on his Twitter.


Runner Up – Mac King

Ymac-kinges, we know: Mac King shares his name with a famous Las Vegas Magician. Luckily for hair lovers like us, there are no tricks here. This runner-up’s beautiful classic cut is truly incredible, even without the smoke and mirrors his namesake tends to use.




2nd Runner Up – Dan Mannarino

best-new-yorker-hairFor a state that’s home to almost 20 million people, it only makes sense that we couldn’t whittle the New York HAIRRYS down to just two. And don’t think Dan Mannarino is a pity vote either, this co-runner-up’s gorgeous dark brown ‘do deserves as much credit as we can give it. Though he missed out on this first-place award, his four Emmys should provide more than enough consolation.



North Carolina

Best Hair – Bill Melugin

best-hair-on-hot-guysOh-em-gee with this basketball picture! One look at Bill Melugin, and you’re definitely a goner. Bill’s hair is the cherry on top of a perfect cake of a man, and there was no hesitation from our team when deciding he’d win first prize for North Carolina.

As an investigative reporter and anchor for FOX 46 in Charlotte, Bill has won several national awards for investigative journalism and honestly deserves just as many awards for his hair and general physique. Is Bill our new heartthrob crush? Or an accomplished journalist? It’s hard to think straight when gazing at his thick head of hair and bronzed facial features.

Everything about Bill screams 100% health; we’re sure he takes care of himself. His hair is as thick as a rainforest, and he’s sporting a perfect outdoorsy tan. We were almost too intimidated, but if you want to ask Bill how he manages looking so perfect, you can reach him on Twitter.

Bill says that his secret to great hair is to take after his grandfather on his mom’s side. (Great idea!) He also says never to wear hats.

The go-to hair product for Melugin? Paul Mitchell Tea Tree Shampoo.

When asked who he would like to thank? “Probably my mom. When I was a kid, she would sit me on the counter and style my hair the exact way I do it these days! It always stuck with me.”


Runner Up – Paul Boyd

paul-boydSophisticated, mature, and immensely layered – you can use these words to describe both HAIRRY runner-up Paul Boyd and his exceptional hairdo. He may not take home the award for best news anchor hair in North Carolina this year, but we’re sure the undying admiration of the Tar Heel State public is more than enough encouragement to keep doing what he’s doing to his ‘do.


Marijuana in Your Shampoo?

North Dakota

Best Hair – Dorrell Wenninger

weatherman-with-the-best-hairDorrell Wenninger has got that Ken doll hair, the kind that looks dry-set with permanent paint. We’re not sure how he does it. All we know is that he deserves the first prize for North Dakota.

As Chief Meteorologist for KX News, his hair is preened and ready to compete with the other weathermen on our list. He’s a tough contender; his hairdo looks like it’s been styled with gel that sets as firm as concrete – high winds be damned! We’re not even sure if Dorrell’s hair is hair. It’s just too darn tidy!

Of course, we could spend days theorizing over why Dorrell’s hair looks so perfect, but we’d rather just watch his perfect ‘do bob around whilst he tells us the weekly forecast and ruins our weekend BBQ plans.


Runner Up – Mark Charter

mark-charterAs a native Minnesotan who now lives in North Dakota, we’re sure Mark Charter has had his fair share of winter hat hair. But one look at his locks when he comes on the small screen, and you’d never know it. His dark brown styled ‘do is always 100-percent camera ready, and for that, we salute him!








Best Hair – Jeff Hogan

best-hair-for-male-blondesJeff Hogan is the face of 10TV’s Commit To Be Fit show, and we’re 100% committed to the fitness of his hair. Jeff’s got that All-American Adonis look, and he was practically made to win the best hair HAIRRY for Ohio!

Most notably, Jeff is co-anchor on 10TV News morning newscast and is a big sports fan. He claims Columbus is the best sports town he’s ever worked and lived in! All we know is that if you live in Columbus and are lucky enough to have this god-like creature grace your streets and TV screen every day, we’re very jealous.

Jeff once said his dream job would be a beach bum, and he certainly looks the part. His golden locks are sun-kissed in all the right ways, and we can see him right at home with a surfboard under his arm. We hope the seawater doesn’t flatten that gorgeous quiff of his!

A man of few words, here is what Hogan had to say about his secret to great hair: “not sleeping long enough to get bed head.” As a true class act, Hogan would like to thank us, the great people at Get Good Head. And we are great, by the way. Thanks, Jeff!

Check Jeff’s fitness adventures out by following him on Twitter.


Runner Up – Nick Foley

nick-foleyIt makes sense that Ohio runner-up Nick Foley was born on an Air Force base because this multimedia journalist truly takes Tall, Dark, and Handsome to new heights!

…Okay, even we admit that was a pretty poor attempt at wordplay, but that doesn’t change the facts: Nick Foley has got it going on in the hair department and was narrowly beat out for first by the thinnest follicle.



2nd-Runner Up – Matt Edwards

get-good-headInterestingly enough, Matt Edwards started his career at NBC4 as an intern, and four years later, returned as a full-time digital journalist. Our working theory is that the brass missed having his perfectly trimmed brown locks around the studio and had to have him back. Good call, brass. A great ‘do like Matt’s doesn’t come around every day.





Best Hair – Carson Cunningham

newsmen-hair-stylesKOCO 5 sports reporter and anchor Carson Cunningham is the cute class-clown-come-jock we all wanted to ask out in High School. Add that winning personality to his short and sporty mane, and you’ve got a recipe for a first-place HAIRRY award.

We can tell Carson’s a bit of a tongue-in-cheek sort of guy; he’s always sharing sports memes on his Twitter account, and his hair’s got that sleek but cheeky thing going on. He’s got a podcast called Goin’ HAM, in which he chats for eons about sports. We’re not sure we’re entirely interested, as audio-only is not the best format in which to marvel at this cutie.

When he’s not working, Carson apparently spends a lot of time with his German Shepherd Heidi, and we’re just sitting here hyperventilating at the thought of how cute that must look.


Runner Up – Justin Dougherty

best-dark-hair-style-for-menIn honor of Justin’s State of Oklahoma, allow us to paraphrase from the famous musical:

Oh, what a beautiful hairdo!

Oh, just what else can we say?

Just-in’s got a beautiful hairdo,

and that’s how he earned second plaaaaaace. –

…..Don’t worry; we’re keeping our day job.





Best Hair – Ian Parker

long-hair-for-menWe couldn’t have picked a more Portlandian-looking candidate than Ian Parker for Oregon’s first prize! Ian Parker has that whole Clark Kent thing going on, or gentle hipster sweetheart thing – depending which way you’re looking at it.

Ian’s hair is disheveled in all the right ways, giving him an effortless nerdy-but-sexy swagger. Speaking of nerdy, Ian can apparently challenge anyone on Star Wars trivia, and he’s a bit of a book worm – be still our nerdy, beating hearts.

Professionally, Ian produces and reports on special segments on KATU – including Everyday Heroes. We imagine his loose style looks pretty cute when he’s rushing around the newsroom.

If you want to get your daily dose of Portland traffic warnings, Ian appears to love to tweet about it.


Runner Up – Trevor Ault

full-hair-for-menOkay, we can’t hide it anymore. We’re jealous of the people of Portland. Waking up every day to Trevor Ault’s beautiful locks on the morning broadcast must be nothing short of this side of paradise. You could have guessed that we’re probably not morning people, but to watch runner-up Trevor, we’ll be begrudgingly setting our alarm.

GGH: Trevor, you are an official runner-up! What will you do now?! 

TA: “I’ll finally be able to update my social media bios to say “award-winning journalist.” That’s all the rage in the biz.”

GGH: What advice can you give to aspiring hair Gods?

“Less is more. As with many areas of my life, I’ve found that the more effort I put in, the more likely I will mess it up entirely. So I essentially just throw my hair back and over for about 15 seconds with a little product and head on my way.”

GGH: And what is your favorite product?

“Whatever is on sale is good enough for my hair. Most recently, it was Billy Jealousy Sculpt Friction Fiber Paste.”

GGH: This is clearly a huge honor. Who would you like to thank?

“To tell you something you already know: news hair is a team effort, and I am but a tiny piece of the hairy puzzle: I’d like to thank my morning anchor Ken Boddie. He shaves his head, and in doing so, clears enough space for me to have two heads’ worth of hair in the show. I’d also like to thank my co-worker and fellow reporter Cole Miller, who won a HAIRRY last year in New Mexico. That man’s golden locks inspire my hair never to take a day off.”



Best Hair – Brian Taff

brain-taffAlthough Brian Taff is the co-anchor of Action News on PHL17, his hair sets him up for the main role in Mad Men. One look at his impeccable ‘do, and you know Brian means business – it’s no wonder he’s received the first prize HAIRRY for Pennsylvania!

When Brian isn’t working on the myriad of projects he oversees at Action News, you can find him boating along the Jersey Shore or doing other outdoorsy activities – although it’s hard to imagine a hairstyle that fine in anything other than a suit.
Unfortunately for all of us eligible, Brian is married with kids – so don’t fantasize too much. However, for more Brian, you can check out Twitter for further insights into Delaware Valley (and wider USA) current affairs.

READ ALSO  Top 10 Local Newsmen With The Best Hair | The HAIRRYs


Runner Up – Jere Gish

male-hair-careYou have to respect runner-up Jere Gish not just for his amazing name or impressive career, but because he’s on the air at 4:30 am and STILL manages to always have his hair in perfect order. When does this man sleep?







2nd Runner Up – Ryan Leckey

haircare-for-menAside from his membership in the exquisite hair club, 2nd runner-up Ryan Leckey is a self-proclaimed social media addict. Well, Ryan, we’re working on a new hashtag. Perhaps you’ll consider sharing? #RyanLeckeyHastheHairofaGod. Sound good to you?







Rhode Island

Best Hair – Brian Crandall

haircare-for-maleWe could give Brian first prize for Rhode Island on hair texture alone, but it definitely helps that he knows how to style that thick bushy mane of his.

Brian is the general assignment reporter at NBC 10 and has been since 1999. It’s hard to believe that Brian could have been doing anything for that long; his thick bristly hair looks like it belongs to a 16-year-old! Brian’s hair gives us a sense of comfort like we could rely on it for anything. With hair that firm, we’re considering shrinking down to size to take a nap on the top of Brian’s head. We know that sounds weird, but this is what Brian’s hair does to us!

When he’s not bringing you breaking news, Brian spends his free time traveling, going to the movies, and playing with his energetic dog – whose fur we’re sure could never rival Brian’s.


Runner Up – Brian Ressumo

best-hair-on-screenNothing breaks our heart like seeing a good hair go, exactly what happened with our Rhode Island Runner-Up, Perry Russom. When the HAIRRY committee was deciding who does the ‘do best, he was lighting up TV screens across the Ocean State with his perfectly styled dark brown hair and witty newsman banter. But, alas, things change. We know they’ll miss him in Rhode Island, but look out, Boston: a new top contender for the 2017 Massachusetts HAIRRY has just moved in.




South Carolina

Best Hair – Patrick Hussion

mens-hair-care-tipsPatrick Hussion looks like he was specially designed for anchor stardom. We can’t imagine Patrick–or his perfect hairdo–behind anything other than a news desk, which is just one of the reasons he’s our HAIRRY award winner.

Patrick has been at WYFF News 4 since 2015, after an impressive career in newsrooms across the country – including a stint in DC as a White House correspondent. He says he’s glad to be back within South Carolina’s communities, and we’re sure the feeling is mutual. Who doesn’t want a haircut so authoritative and gentlemanly gracing their doorsteps and TV screens?

You can check out Patrick’s political commentary on his Twitter. If you want to strike up a conversation, he’s apparently an American Civil War history buff and Atlanta Braves fan.


Runner Up – Joe Gorchow

best-hair-styles-for-menLook, we know that reporting sports news in such a college-crazy state as South Carolina must be crazy time-consuming. And that’s why we’d be willing to give Joe Gorchow the benefit of the doubt if his locks were starting to suffer. But, against all odds, Joe’s mm-mm good dark ‘do is always pristine and ready for lights, camera, action. Keep it up, Joe! We think you’ve got a good shot at the first place HAIRRY next year.






South Dakota

Best Hair – Sam Kraemer

best-hair-for-men-in-newsSam Kraemer is an anchor/reporter that joins the NewsCenter1 team from Wisconsin. He is also–we theorize–an actual cherub. Just to be safe with the big guy upstairs, we’ve decided that Sam’s adorable haircut places him in first place for South Dakota!

Apparently, Sam’s first foray into journalism was as a sixth-grade student – he was chosen to be ‘anchor’ of his elementary school’s morning newscast. We think Sam’s hairdo is so sweet and innocent; he could still anchor an elementary school’s newscast without sticking out.

We’re confused about how Sam’s hair looks so neatly shorn; with hair that short, we’re guessing he has to visit the barber twice a week. Maybe he gets his cuts for free. Who could resist such an adorable face?

Originally from Wisconsin, Sam’s excited to be living in South Dakota and getting to know the Black Hills area! You can find Sam and his velvety soft hairdo on Twitter.


Runner Up – Brad Mallory


Helloooooo Brad! Or should we say, KELOoooooooo Brad! Do you know how you have that one dream about that one guy? Yeah. He’s not as great as Brad Mallory.

Sure, he’s hot.

But that hair! This was such a hard pick! It was so close, Brad! Don’t hate us.

We love you. 😉






Best Hair – Steve Hayslip

steve-hayslipWTVF’s Emmy award-winning anchor–Steve Hayslip–wins first prize for Tennessee!

We hate to say it, but Steve makes ‘dad hair’ look cool. Casual, authoritative, and coupled with a good suit. Got any chores for us to do, daddy?

Steve says that journalism is the best career path, as it takes you to places you never dreamed were possible. We honestly never dreamed that such a natural cut could look simultaneously lux and approachable – so it looks like Steve’s all about making dreams come true. Congrats on the win, big guy!


Runner Up – Jeremy Finley

best-shampoos-for-menTennessee is known affectionally as the Volunteer State, and, in that spirit, we’d like to officially submit our application to be runner-up Jeremy Finley’s hair inspector. Talk about an easy job – the guy’s hair is never anything but perfect, so we’d have plenty of time to sit and ogle him from the wings of the studio. Call us, Jeremy?




2nd Runner Up – Jeremy Eisenzopf

jeremy-eisenzopfJeremy Eisenzopf’s mention here has nothing to do with the fact that it allows us to highlight two people named Jeremy in the same state – although we do find that delightfully hilarious. It has all to do with what we’ve deemed one of the best dirty blonde ‘dos that we’ve seen: lightly styled, great volume, and the perfect amount of professional and playful.




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Best Hair – Erik Barajas

best-hair-on-tv-newsErik Barajas is a real-life Superman. At least, he sure looks like one. Erik’s hair is so impeccably stylized and slick, and there was no question as to whether he should win first prize for Texas.

When you’re reporting for KTRK-TV’s 13 Eyewitness News or flying through the sky looking for villains to rain justice down upon, your hair has got to be gelled to the tee. Some hair just looks flat and wet when styled with gel, but Erik’s is voluminous and shiny; perhaps he’s found the perfect product – GIVE US YOUR SECRETS!

If you need a bit more Erik in your life (as we all do), you can check out the cute selfies and family photos he regularly shares on Twitter.



Runner Up – Brandon Hamilton

thick-and-wavy-hairMost people who know him say that Brandon Hamilton’s personality is exactly like the state he works in: big and beautiful. The same can be said for his bountiful head of hair. Despite rising in the wee hours of the Texas morning to report the news, Brandon’s hair is always camera-ready, and for that, we give him a big Texas-sized “Yee-haw!

Co Runner Up – Darby Douglas

With a styled salt-and-pepper ‘do that’s as enticing as they come, our bet is that co-runner up Darby Douglas won’t be a runner-up for long. Look out, Erik and Brandon, next year’s HAIRRY might just belong to Darby Douglas and KHOU.




Best Hair – Ben Winslow

ben-winslowBen Winslow may be a multi-platform journalist at Fox 13 News, but swap his suit for armor, and he’s definitely ready for a battle with dragons. His slicked back undercut makes him a stand-out for first place in Utah and the knight that we’d bet our money on.

Ben’s hair has got that 1920s prohibitionist gangster thing going on, but his beard definitely takes the style to a whole new level. Is a suave, suited lumberjack aesthetic a thing? If not, we think Ben may have invented it with his hairdo and beard combo.

An undercut suggests that Ben’s in touch with his fun side, and it definitely shows on his Twitter, where he animates his sports and news commentary with silly gifs and shares his favorite tunes to groove to.



Runner Up – D.j. Bolerjack

male-hair-care-products-and-shampoosIt’s no surprise that runner-up for best newscaster hair in Utah, D.J. Bolerjack, is part of Utah’s #1 news team because his hair is some of the best we’ve seen. We’ll have to call our friends at Nielson, but we guess that most news watchers are half tuning in for the day’s weather and a half to see how beautifully styled D.J.’s brown locks will be. We know that’s why we watch.







Best Hair – Adam Sullivan

best-hair-on-local-newsAdam Sullivan has so much hair on his head, and we’re not sure where it even comes from. All we know is volume like that deserves the first prize for Vermont. Have your HAIRRY, Adam!

As the weekend anchor for WCAX, Adam covers crime, health care, education, and politics. We’re sure viewers have no issue with concentrating; a luscious crown like that just demands attention. Adam shows that if you’ve got the volume, flaunt it! He’s opted for a longer cut but makes sure to sweep it back with product, keeping things tidy and classy whenever he’s on the screen.

Adam is a New England native, and if he’s not running around reporting on the latest, you can find him hiking the White Mountains. Imagine a hairdo like that in hiking gear – is there an image more perfect?



Runner Up – David Schneider

david-schneiderNew York, Florida, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and now Vermont – David Schneider has taken his classic brown locks to many of the states in our union – and we’re glad to hear it! If more people across this country knew how to style their follicles like our friend David, the world might just be a better place and less divisive place.





Best Hair – Tom Schaad

silver-fox-hair-stylesWhat do we know about this HAIRRY-Award winner, Tom Schaad? We know he’s sophisticated, we know he’s mature, we know that he’s astute, and we (finally) know why we have a fox emoji on our phones. At least that’s what his gorgeous, mostly salt and pepper hairstyle tells us. That, and his long and storied career in broadcast journalism. Talk about the best of both worlds – Tom Schaad shows us all how it should be done.





Runner Up – John Appicello

john-appicelloThere’s no way we could get away with naming the best newscaster hair in the great State of Virginia and not mention local favorite John “Appy” Appicello. Holding down the helm as Sports Director at WSLS 10, John’s exceptional physique is perfectly complemented by his dark ‘do – no sign of helmet hair here!







Best Hair – Brian Calvert

Brian CalvertBrian is a reporter and anchor with the KOMO radio newsroom, and he is all kinds of adorable. His playful haircut, coupled with his fuzzy beard, bagged him first place for Washington!

Brian’s haircut clarifies that he’s one of those guys you can approach and joke around with. Keeping some length, his hair is oh-so lightly side-parted and swept-back with product. Yet, his ‘do doesn’t look cemented and serious – it exudes a casual and effortless charm.

We like seeing haircuts on anchors that are a bit more on the playful, friendly side. If you do, too, you can see Brian’s hair and trimmed beard from time to time delivering the weather forecasts on KOMO4.



Runner Up – Greg Copeland

mens-hair-care-treatmentsSome call Greg Copeland flawless. Some call him a figment of your imagination. We don’t call him…we’re too nervous…what if he picks up?!

Greg Copeland is an anchor for KING5 in Seattle. The reason Seattle is always raining? Because if the sun was shining AND, Greg Copeland was smiling, it would literally be too much of a good thing.

Congratulations, Greg!




West Virginia

Best Hair – Dan Thorn

dan-thornDan Thorn is bringing preppy back, and we love his golden, slicked-back style. It’s no wonder he won first place for West Virginia.

We’re guessing Dan was a high achiever throughout his schooling years. It’s hard to imagine a haircut like that not being elected class president or head of the student council. At any rate, his haircut is dressed for success, as Dan anchors West Virginia’s only statewide newscast, “West Virginia Tonight.”

Dan’s a big New York sports fan, rooting for the Yankees, Jets, Rangers, and Nets. We hope he sticks to being just a fan, as we’d hate to imagine what donning a helmet would do to his ‘do.

We contacted Dan to figure out his secret to great hair. He explained that “it’s pretty simple. Just molding wax and hairspray. No comb, just hands.”

His favorite hair product is Tresemme Hairspray. Thord graciously explained that [he’d] “like to thank low humidity, water quality, and Head and Shoulders shampoo” for this prestigious award.


Runner Up – Nate Smail

nate-smailWe’ll admit before we started this list, we knew very little about West Virginia. However, the name Nate Smail was no stranger to hair lovers everywhere, as the legend of his lightly styled hair and perfect follicles have reverberated across the nation. Look out, Dan Thorn; Nate Smail is coming for you and your HAIRRY next year.

When asked about his secret to award-winning hair, Nate explained that his secret was to have thick hair, explaining, “I will never go bald.”

His favorite product? Towel Dry Firm Hold Gel Styler for Men!

Small thanked his grandfather (on his mother’s side) and his barber.




Best Hair – Max Tsparis

mens-haircareWe’re suckers for a clean and classic side part, and Max Tsaparis’ takes the cake. Max and his sharp side-parted hairdo take first place for Wisconsin!

As the 27 Storm Track Meteorologist for WKOW, Max’s hair looks neat and firm enough to ward off any wind damage. He shows you can’t go wrong with a classic cut, short on the sides, with a lengthy top slicked back with a wet-drying product. Nothing like a shining crown to make you look like a million bucks.

In his spare time, Max likes to curl up with a Peanuts Gang comic. He’s also a big foodie and loves to eat out. We theorize that his neatly swept-back hair serves a tactical advantage when stuffing his face, not a stray hair in sight to get caught in sauces and drinks!


Runner Up – Dave Schroder

best-hair-products-for-menWisconsin may be known as the Cheese State, but we promise nothing cheesy about runner-up Dave Schroder’s impressive haircut. Always well-styled and ready for “lights, camera, action,” Dave could tell us all about our beloved Wild, Packers, or Bucks blowing the big game, and we’d be unfazed. All is well as long as this tall, dark, and handsome man is on screen.







Best Hair – Kevin Keane

best-hair-in-local-newsSometimes the best hair is hair that’s hardly there. We’re in love with Kevin Keane’s clean shave, and it’s won him first place for Wyoming!

Kevin is the Sports Director at CBS5, and his haircut tells us he’s ready for any sporting event. He says he’s living the dream, so why spend hours in the morning preening his ‘do, when a buzz is ready for work from dawn ’til dusk?

Of course, he’s an active guy in his spare time, a gym junkie with a penchant for hiking and camping in the Wyoming backcountry. If you want to focus on fitness, who has time for hair? Sometimes setting the shaver to number 2 is all a fit and busy Sports Director has time for.

When asked about his secret to great hair, his favorite product, and who he’d like to thank, this is what Keane had to say:

“Oh man, what an honor this is to be nominated!

1. Listen, the secret to any good hair…conditioner. When they say lather, rinse, repeat with shampoo, they’re wrong! Lather and rinse once with shampoo. Lather, rinse, repeat with the conditioner. Does the trick 100 percent of the time.

2. In my opinion, great hair should be a’ naturale. I don’t use any gel, paste, etc. All I do is give it a quick comb up to give it its ‘swoosh,’ and I’m ready to go.

3. I’d like to thank my mother’s side of the family if I were to win this award. Those peeps have incredible, full locks. I definitely take after them.

Picture attached of the hair just in case you need a second look. You guys are awesome.


Kevin Keane”

We love the pun, Kevin. It was…Hair-larious!


Runner Up – Brady Gillum

best-hair-in-local-newsAnchor, reporter, producer, lawyer – is there anything runner-up Brady Gillum can’t do? Not only is this hair-leading man an accomplished news anchor, but he’s also argued a case in front of the Colorado Supreme Court. How his hair alone didn’t cause a mistrial, we’ll never understand.

When asked about his secret to great hair, Gillum said, “I use neither a comb nor a brush to get this hot look. I just rub some product into my hair and use my fingers to create the perfect anchorman hairdo.” (Oooohhh…tell us that part about using your fingers again.) Gillum’s favorite product is Matrix Style Link Over Achiever, and he would like to thank his mom and her parents, explaining, “Genes go a long way. They’ve all got rich, thick, full hair. I’m so grateful for them. They’ll be proud of me for winning this award!”


Washington D.C.

Best Hair – Dog Kammerer

doug-kammererDoug Kammerer is Chief Meteorologist at News4 and has a jawline so strong; it almost distracts from his beautiful sideburns. Those ‘burns–and overall neat and classic cut–have won Doug the first prize HAIRRY for DC!!

You can tell a man’s hygiene rituals are top-notch when they manage to maintain such sharp sideburns. We can’t get over how Doug’s hairdo drives the eye to all of the important places: his jaw, his eyebrows, and his shining white smile. P-E-R-F-E-C-T-I-O-N.

When he’s not delivering accurate and real-time weather information on the TV screen, he’s delivering it over 103.5 WOTP radio. Although we’re sure you’ll agree, the best format in which to receive the forecast from Doug is full-on audiovisual.
Catch Doug and his dazzling sideburns on News4 on weekdays at 4, 5, 6, and 11.


Runner Up – Matt Yurus

matt-yurusMatt Yurus is the Saturday reporter for WUSA9, and he also has an adorable wavy quiff which lands him as a runner-up for the District of Columbia.

We love curls and waves on guys but rarely get to see them due to their shortcuts! Matt has showcased his wavy locks by leaving some length in his swept-back fringe. We think it’s adorable and hope there’s a few clips out there of him flicking it back like a part-time supermodel. We’d watch.

It may come as no surprise, but Matt is a lawyer come journalist, completing his New York bar exam and working in several federal legislative roles before joining the WUSA9 team in 2015. That’s why he looks so polished and perfect in his suit!

It was Matt’s love for people that drove him to journalism, and it’s surely his viewers’ love of Matt’s hair that drives them to catch up on the news consistently.


2nd Runner Up – Steve Chenevey

hair-care-secrets-for-menTwo Edward R. Murrow Awards, three Best News Anchor Emmys, three “regular” Emmys – WE GET IT STEVE. YOU’RE BETTER THAN US AT NEWSCASTING. And in all actuality, he’s better than us at hair styling too. His classic brown locks make us wanna give up our day job and move to Tibet. Do they have pomade in Tibet?

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1 Comment

  1. […] The 2016 HAIRRYs: Local Newsmen With The Best Hair […]

  2. […] is no joking matter. If you thought the 2016 HAIRRYs were competitive, wait until you see our 2017 […]

  3. Mary Ellen Mandeville says:

    I am just head over heels for my loving man Joe Gorchow! I love him so very deeply with all my heart and soul and I watch him every night @ 6:00! Although I’m not really a sports fanatic myself, I just love to see him for I ADORE the sight and sound of him! He’s my beloved Prince Charming!

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